Write clear, sincere copy that CONNECTS.

  • Craft social media posts that build genuine connection with your crowd.
  • Draft emails your dream clients + customers LOVE to open (+ buy from).
  • Handle awk + uncomfortable convos with clarity, compassion, and honesty.

You can do it, and I can help.

Introducing The A Course About Copy® Beyond-the-Site Workshop Series -- a power-packed bundle of THREE digital copywriting workshops created to empower smart, fun(ny) entrepreneurs who want to save their sanity and SHARE THEIR GOODNESS on the internet *without falling prey to the usual suspects*...

Fear. Perfectionism. Imposter syndrome. Overwhelm. Analysis paralysis.

If you’d like my help building REAL connections in a digi-world via social media, valuable emails, and clear, honest, compassionate conversations, you're in the RIGHT spot.

  • THREE digital workshop including downloadable videos, MP3s, and interactives workbooks
  • Perfect for creators, consultants, VAs, and humans who use the internet for business
  • Workshop No. 1 >> Social Studies: How to Build Genuine Connection in a Digi-World
  • Workshop No. 2 >> Dreamails: How to Write Emails Worth Reading
  • Workshop No. 3 >> Word Pickles: How to Navigate Awkward e-Convos with Honesty + Grace
  • Your price: $297 USD

Workshop No. 1: SOCIAL STUDIES

How to Build Genuine Connection in a Digi-World

“...holy cow it's much more in depth and detailed than I had imagined...

thanks for really giving us our money's worth, again!" - Shannon-Nicole Y.

In this workshop, I walk you through planning the why, who, what, where, when and HOW of your presence on social media. Heavy emphasis on the WORD bit (so don't expect a lesson in FB ads or Instagram algorithms!). This is all about how I've built a profitable business by showing up as I am to connect with dreamies like YOU.

Using social (case) studies of ME, Andrea Crowder (top Beach Body coach), and Carrie Green (founder of the Female Entrepreneur Association), you’ll learn how to balance your biz shares with your behind-the-scenes shares, what works well and why.

With the workbook, you’ll find sample recipes to inspire your OWN clear, sincere social shares.

SIDE NOTE: Whether you decide to grab the workshop bundle now or not, I’d like to share this excerpt from the Social Studies workbook “Pep Rally” in hopes that it serves you today:

...allow me to take this opportunity to encourage and remind you of what I consider to be two of the MOST important pieces of the social media puzzle:

1. BE INTENTIONAL. Social media can be a super-beneficial TOOL for your business, but it can also be a total distraction. The tips and Qs I share in this workshop are meant to help you really focus on WHY you want to show up on social media and for WHOM. Don’t spread your time + focus too thin and let this medium drain you. Set your intentions. Make your action plan. Implement with INTENTION, and you’re golden. And speaking of your shininess...

2. BE YOURSELF. Entrepreneurship is complicated. It’s easy to look for quick fixes and magic bullets and secret recipes on how to “make people like you” and similar promises. Dude. You’ve gotta know that YOU are enough. There are real people in the world who want and NEED what you have to offer. I am thrilled to help make the process easier for you, but you don’t NEED to overthink how you communicate with them. Get some clarity, play with your style, and be YOURSELF.

Now let’s dive in and make that more actionable, shall we?

Workshop No. 2: DREAMAILS

How to Write Emails Worth Reading

“I'm writing emails constantly and it’s challenging to strike the right tone. Nikki hits it out of the park by addressing the needs of entrepreneurs in a concise, easy-to-understand way.

Thanks for helping me sound like a rock star!” - April E.

In the Dreamails workshop, I walk you through how to send with purpose, create your own inbox style, use stories to connect, increase engagement, handle feedback (the good, the bad, the ugly) without melting down ;), help your subscribers customize their inbox experience, and craft clickable subject lines.

This workshop ALSO grants you full access to a library of my own emails and step-by-step recipes to help you craft emails that:

  • Confirm subscriptions and welcome new subscribers to your community
  • Deliver high value opt-in freebies like videos, checklists, and / or PDFs
  • Add ongoing value and maintain a meaningful relationship with your list
  • Sell a service (I share the exact email that helped me generate over $21k in my first six weeks back in the day!)
  • Deliver a service (even when I offered FREE sessions, I had a 100% show-up rate thanks to this format)
  • Sell a digi-product (like A Course About Copy®) without feeling like a cheeseball
  • Deliver a digi-product in a way that excites and nurtures your new customers

Want my help writing emails your dreamies will LOVE to read?

Workshop No. 3: WORD PICKLES

How to Navigate Awk e-Convos with Honesty + Grace

“...easy to tweak, no-overthinking-necessary templates for a ton of different biz situations. If you're a biz owner or a VA / OBM / PM, you NEED this workbook." - Arielle H.

"I was DREADING it. Email sent. I didn’t cry. #WIN.” - Meghan C.

I have to admit - this one’s currently my fave workshop. Not just because it’s fun to say, but because it gives purpose and meaning to the countless HOURS I’ve spent / wasted over the years, agonizing over what to say in potentially awkward / messy e-conversations.

In the Word Pickles workshop, you’ll learn how to be clear, honest, AND compassionate when facing less-than-light-and-breezy conversations in your business. (No ghosting / ice creaming needed.)

The workbook is FULL of take + tweak examples to help you handle the most common (+ potentially painful) conversations with clients and customers, your team and contractors, and even digi-strangers with clarity, compassion, and honesty.

Here’s a list of the sanity-saving take ‘n tweak scripts you’ll find inside:


  • Wants to hang out
  • Privately messaging / emailing you
  • Sending unsolicited feedback
  • Asking for an intro (that you're not comfy making)
  • Not respecting your time
  • Violating community guidelines
  • Missing / late payment (PayPal)
  • Missing / late payment (credit card)
  • Requesting refund (no Qs asked)
  • Requesting refund (exit survey)
  • Requesting refund (on a non-refundable purchase)
  • Firing your client


  • Set clear expectations (without feeling like a dictator)
  • Check in on project status
  • Not happy with work done
  • Ending the relationship
  • Asked for a testimonial (that you don't feel comfy giving)


  • Pick your brain (short + sweet)
  • Pick your brain (Longer + still sweet)
  • Event invite
  • Giveaway or joint venture promo
  • Private critique (unsolicited feedback)
  • Helpful public critique
  • Nasty public critique
  • Using your branding and/or trademark confusion

Bottom line(s): From refunds to brain picking, to invites and requests you just don't wanna say yes to...I've done all the heavy pickle lifting for you. #yourewelcome


The Format

Each workshop has its own individual lesson page, complete with a quick (on camera) intro video, a slides-based training video, and an examples-based, over-the-shoulder style training video. You'll have MP3, MP4, and PDF downloads for keepsies.

The workbooks for each workshop are gorge, fillable, and filled with useful recipes - just like the “main” A Course About Copy® workbook.

But this really ain’t about the format, is it?

Let's talk VALUE.

As a biz owner and HUMAN in general, your time is your most valuable asset.

When you actually USE these workshops, you will save LOTS of it. << rough estimate

Not only will you save time by using these resources, you’ll save money.

Because #timeismoney.

ALSO, when you connect with your dream clients and customers by showing up on social and in inboxes worldwide in a clear, sincere way, you will naturally attract MORE clients and customers.

(And clients and customers pay you. With money.)

When you have these workshops in your back(browser) pocket -- and when you’ve got me in your earbuds cheering you on, you’ll feel more confident and empowered to make decisions and speak UP in a wide variety of everyday biz situations, and honestly - that’s priceless.

^ The WORLD needs you to feel more confident + empowered. We ALL win in that scenario.

So let’s paint a picture of what #thatworkshoplife could look like for you:

  • Instead of avoiding your team / customers with a pit in your stomach because you don’t know what to SAY in a reeeally awkward situation, you’ll crack open your Word Pickles workbook, make a couple tweaks, press SEND, and breathe a sigh of sweet RELIEF.
  • Instead of going radio silent on social media because you’re not sure what’s TMI, what’s too selly-selly, or what the meaning of LIFE really is, you’ll read through your Social Studies workbook, remind yourself that you are enough and your “followers” are ACTUAL HUMANS, and you’ll feel confident sharing what’s on your heart + mind, using a super-simple recipe as needed.
  • Instead of spending a week / month / year (!) researching all the different ways you could sell your service via email, you’ll open up your Dreamails workbook, scan through my example + super-straightforward recipe, pour your personality into it, and open yourself up to serving your dream clients in a new and powerful way.

Are you ready for THAT kinda workshop life?

GOOD. Because I’m running out of ways to explain the benefits here. Click this orange button and let's GO:

....then what?

( a few important housekeeping notes )

Once you click through to the order form and make your payment to join the party, you'll get two welcome emails - one with the login to our digi-classroom, one with all the other important info.

After that, it's up to YOU!

Dive in to whichever workshop excites you the most right now, and put that baby to USE.

NOTE: As you go, I’d love to hear (+ share) YOUR Beyond-the-Site Workshop success stories on my own social media platforms...and potentially on this very page. How meta. Just post on my FB page or tag me on Instagram (@nikkielledgebrown) and give me the scoop!

Also note: At this time, the workshops are non-refundable and (ridiculusly low) priced for individual use. If you want to share the word pickles love with your buddies or colleagues, send 'em right here to this page and I'll take it from there.

Any Qs, find me on Facebook and let me know.

Otherwise, click HERE to grab the bundle, and I’ll see you in class!

P.S. As your reward for making it all the way to the end of the page, I proudly present my ACAC Beyond-the-Site Workshop BLOOPER REEL. As I like to say - it doesn't need to be perfect; it just needs to be shared. #winkyface

“Nikki is fantastic...I absolutely love this girl. She teaches copy in a way you can really understand...She breaks it down in a way that's very doable.”

Amy Porterfield

© 2017 Nikki Elledge Brown, LLC | All Rights Reserved | Legal